Saturday, August 27, 2005


We headed out on the streets again today to raise awareness of about the Make Poverty History campaign. This time, as well as markets at West End, we walked through the Queen St Mall and Brunswick St Markets in the Valley.

It was interesting how much more supportive people were at West End... how freaked out people seemed to be by it in Queen St Mall... and how nonchalant people were in the Valley. Of course there were exceptions everywhere.

I've never really taken to the streets in support of a cause before. I'm quite hesitant to step out of my comfort zone in this regard. A few things have contributed... one of the main things is being friends with inspiring people like Ben and Sarah - who have seemingly endless energy and willingness to put in effort for these causes. The other thing is that I guess the more you learn, the harder it is to ignore some of the frustrating facts in our world... The fact that 30000 kids die every day needlessly and most of us don't really regard that as a tragedy. We say we do, but if we really DID regard it as a tragedy, we'd be doing something about it. I guess it's a big step to actually believe we CAN do something about it.

ANYWAY - increasingly, I'm hoping to do something about it! So if I don't put postings in here regularly telling you what we're up to - let me know that I'm slacking off!

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epg said...

well articulated, it is the exact same way i feel.

Anonymous said...

I think it's marvellous what you're doing Brad, and that you're stepping outside your comfort zone to do it. I'm sad that I'm not in close proximity anymore and able to feed off your own energy and passion (as you speak of feeding off Ben and Sarah's). I think it must be time for me to get off my bum and do something... anything... I'm going to work on that. Go team!

Anonymous said...

Oh, hang on...I should say who I am - KLA - I've never made a comment on a blog before - how excitement!